
What I Wore Today

For the last few days my outfits have been quite unimaginative as I got over my cold/flu/whatever virus I had. So now I post:

Dress- H&M, Sweater- Free People (thrifted), Boots- BP, Tights- Hue, Belt- Guitar strap (no kidding, found it at a garage sale and safety-pin it on)

A good rule of thumb I have found is that in every outfit, you should have one thing that doesn't go with the rest of the outfit a little bit- so the belt and the dress have a common color (pink) but they still are a little clashy.
The boots were a Christmas present. This is the first time I've worn them and I loooove them! They're much more comfortable than I was steeling myself for.
I will post tomorrow too but right now I am swamped in catch-up homework :)


This is the day of verifying codes (also the day of eating lots of cookies, I have decided)


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My New Years' Resolutions (I mean it this time, I really do) and an experiment

Every year I make New Years' Resolutions and like so many people, they are broken before February. So this year I'm going with bribes. And I'm only setting two, relatively easy (or so I believe) ones. I'm learning that if there are shoes at the end of the journey, my desirable outcome odds go up considerably.
1. I will not, ever again, fall into the teenage trap of using 'awesome', 'cool', and 'seriously' interchangeably in every situation that calls for an affirmation. Instead I will find more sophisticated, intelligent-sounding words. Seriously. OH NOOOO.
2. This is the official end of my Keeping up with the Kardashians fetish. Probably. It's my guilty pleasure. I find their cattiness terrible, but yet I can't stop DVR-ing. Did you see the one where Katie and Kim helped Bruce hold their mom's dry cleaning hostage? Addictive I tell you. Addictive.

I will do what my horoscope tells me to. This is more of an experiment than a resolution, really- it's a resolution to experiment. If I listen to my horoscope every day and alter my actions in some small way, will I snag the guy, learn how to put on liquid eyeliner, and become an ubercelebritized fashion guru?
I saw the Dr. Phil show last week. I'm not going to do anything stupid. Probably. The problem with doing stupid things is that they often are not recognized as stupid until they have already been done. Like after you send the ranting email/ horridly obnoxious text and then just close your eyes and mutter very quietly, "shoot."
So I am using MSN horoscopes as my control. And I figured I would get better results if I also knew what important people in my life were going to be up to, so I am also checking out a select few more signs.
The results will be posted here in two months. I've decided that the experiment will only last that long, so that should something socially catastrophic happen, there will be an end.
Wish me luck!


Salvation Army Swag and thrift stores in general

I finally dragged my mall-loving friend Gwen to Salvation Army last weekend... let's just say it was me rabidly running from rack to rack, grinning ear to ear as metal hangers dig into the flesh of my numb fingers... Gwen maybe needed some help getting in the 'you gotta dive through some crap to get to the cool stuff' mood. Luckily we found her a cute little tweed blazer and she was happy. My fashion craving couldn't be satisfied with one piece, however, and I ended up with several.

I saw a blurb in Lucky a few months ago about lady jackets (those Chanel-like structured, no collar ones) and tie dye tees, and ever since have been dying to try it- so now I have this really cool tie dye t shirt and need a lady jacket to go with it. If I can't find one I will substitute my favorite plaid shirt.

Old Navy Maxi- A little out of season, yes, but cute nonetheless. Now that I think about it, might look kinda cute with the tie dye shirt.

Just a little tank. Cause I'm bored of my solid color ones, it was a dollar, and it came with this little pin-on brooch thats a locket (that I took off when I washed the tank and now can't find...)

The coolest golf shorts ever! Super psyched about these. Gwen just looked at me like, are you sure we shouldn't go to Wet Seal? And yes even though they look like a skirt they are indeed shorts. I even think they're actually women's shorts, cause some of the golfers are girls.

Closeup of shorts
Unfortunately upon closer inspection of the label they're from Macy's. So that kind of ruins their I-can't-believe-something-like-this-actually-exists dorky street cred.

I think I did pretty well. We only had like 20 minutes cause I tried to give my mom directions and we ended up going half an hour in the wrong direction and then we had to take Gwen home. So there was some serious speed-shopping going on.
I love thrift stores cause you never know what you're going to find- I've found some pretty awesome stuff *cough*BCBG, Juicy, Miu Miu*cough* for a few dollars and it's the awesomest thing ever, that that stuff is practically in your backyard.
There are these two thrift stores in Hillcrest in San Diego on Fifth Avenue right across the street from each other. If you ever get a chance to go to San Diego, that is the PLACE- they are epic. One (I think it's called Flashbacks) is part vintage, part consignment and part costume surplus- they've got a luxuriously funky selection of vintage stuff (I found a really cute 50s wool shift), next to a wall of neon colored wigs, next to a circular rack labeled, "UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATERS". Epic.
And then there's its mainstream sister across the street- the Frappuccino to Flashbacks' espresso shot of fashion. It's got tons of designer labels (ie Marc Jacobs, Michael Kors) for really reasonable prices. Could have spent all day. For every plastic bag you opt not to use when you check out, they give you a token for five cents to drop in the box of a charity- when I was there, it was kids, housing, or cats. Guess what I chose!!
So what are your favorite thrift stores?